Boundary Surveys
Property line location

Boundary Survey
Boundary surveys generally consist of:
- Research deed and title
- Locate and mark existing corner monuments
- Determine parcel boundary and easement lines
- Set new corner monuments as required
- Write a legal description of the parcel
- Draw a final plat of the property
We deliver all the documents required to convey a piece of property or to definitively establish a property's boundary in accordance with all state and local codes.
Subdivision of a Parcel
Subdivision is the process of legally cutting out one or more parcels from a parent tract, often in order to convey one or more of the derived parcels to another party. Depending on the property's location and other factors, certain legal requirements must be met in order to legally subdivide a parcel of land. We can help you navigate these requirements and ensure a positive experience when subdividing your property.
ALTA/ACSM or As-Built Survey
An ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey is subject to certain national standards and is generally requested when an individual is buying land from out-of-state. This type of survey must meet extensive requirements set by the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the American Land Title Association.